Parish Groups

Prayer Line

Pray at home for various intentions. This is a ministry you can participate in at any time. You will be contacted with the names and intentions of people or situations for which you are asked to pray. The capacity to keep the requests confidential is very important.

Fr. Robertson Council #7582

Frank Tomsich, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus FB page

Helping Hands

This wonderful group of volunteers helps to plan events for our parish. Some examples include: help with funeral luncheons, soup dinners, Super Bowl sub sales, Bake sales, etc. This is a fun group that is always looking for energetic help!
Helping Hands FB page

Arts & Environment

To create an overall pleasing and appropriate environment for liturgical space, we need many hands and gifts. Those interested in season decorating, flower arranging, etc. are asked to consider giving of their time/talent for this ministry.
Contact: Shelley Helmreich

Card Ministry

(989) 695-5652
Contact Parish Office

Sewing Ministry

This group sews items that are distributed in conjunction with outreach projects such as the Thanksgiving food baskets or to other local charities. They are also taken to various missions across the world. This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, 9 - 1 pm.
Contact Parish Office